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Summer weeds and how to control them - Lawnhiro

Common Summer Weeds and How to Control Them

Are you struggling to keep your lawn weed-free during the hot months? Not only does Summer bring sunshine and warm weather, unfortunately, it can also bring an invasion of unwanted plants. Summer weeds thrive in hot conditions, and can cause significant damage to grass lawns. These weeds compete for nutrients, water, and sunlight, leading to patchy and unhealthy lawns.

If you’re a homeowner with dreams of a green, grass-only lawn, then it’s important to know how to treat and prevent common summer weeds.

Identifying Summer Weeds

While the types of weeds that grow in your lawn can vary based on where you live and the climate, below are a list of the more common weeds found in summer.

  • Crabgrass: Grows quickly in warm weather. It has wide, light green leaves and spreads low across the ground. Look for it in sunny areas with bare spots.
  • Dandelions: Easily recognizable with their bright yellow flowers and fluffy seed heads. They have deep taproots and can spread rapidly if not controlled.
  • Clover: Has small, white or pink flowers and trifoliate leaves. It thrives in lawns with low nitrogen levels and can quickly dominate your grass.
  • Nutsedge: Looks similar to grass but grows faster and taller. It has a triangular stem and produces yellowish-green leaves. It prefers wet, poorly drained areas.
  • Bindweed: Has small white or pink trumpet-shaped flowers and arrowhead-shaped leaves. It grows aggressively and can choke out grass and other plants.
  • Plantain: Has broad, oval leaves that grow in a rosette pattern. It produces tall spikes of tiny flowers. This weed thrives in compacted soil and can be difficult to remove.
  • Spurge: Thin stems (sometimes with a reddish tint) and small, oval blueish green leaves on both sides. It produces a milky sap when broken which contains a toxin (wear gloves!). Spurge grows close to the ground and can spread quickly.

Effective Weed Control Strategies

1. Use Herbicides

Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Apply pre-emergent herbicides in early spring to prevent weed seeds from germinating. This approach stops weeds before they start.

Post-Emergent Herbicides

Use post-emergent herbicides to kill existing weeds. Apply them during the growing season when weeds are actively growing.

Choosing the right herbicide for each weed type:

  • Crabgrass
    • Postemergent selective herbicide (fluazifop, quinclorac, or sethoxydim plus oil)
  • Dandelions
    • Postemergent broadleaf herbicide (Trimec forumlations – 2,4-D, mecoprop and dicamba)
  • Clover
    • Postemergent broadleaf herbicide (Trimec forumlations – 2,4-D, mecoprop and dicamba)
  • Nutsedge
    • Best to deal with the problem before it starts, as there are limited options for herbicides and most are only available for licensed professionals
    • Manually remove nutsedge before they develop tubers, usually when they have less than 5 leaves
  • Bindweed
    • Translocated herbicides (glyphosate, or glyphosate and dicamba)
  • Plantain
    • Postemergent broadleaf herbicide (Trimec forumlations – 2,4-D, mecoprop and dicamba)
  • Spurge
    • Postemergent broadleaf herbicide (2,4-D, dicamba, or a combination of the two)

2. Manually Remove Weeds

Hand-pulling is effective for small weed infestations. Use a weeding tool to remove the entire root, preventing regrowth.

3. Keep Up with Lawn Maintenance

Regular mowing keeps weeds in check! Mow at the recommended height for your grass type to promote thick, healthy turf. Water deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Fertilize your lawn to maintain its health and competitiveness.

Preventative Measures for a Weed-Free Lawn

Soil Health

Healthy soil is key! Test your soil to determine nutrient levels and pH balance. Make changes as needed to create the perfect conditions for your grass to grow.


Mulching prevents weed seeds from germinating by blocking light. Apply some mulch around your garden beds and trees to prevent weed growth.

Lawn Aeration

Aerating your lawn improves soil health and reduces weed growth. Aeration allows water, nutrients, and air to penetrate the soil, promoting strong root systems. Don’t have an aerator? Lawnhiro can help!

Lawnhiro - Help For Any Season

When to Order Lawnhiro

If your lawn is overgrown or if you need help mowing or aerating, it’s time to order Lawnhiro! Our mowing, overgrown lawn rescue, and aeration services save you time and energy, so you can focus on controlling those pesky weeds. Get your quote today!

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